9-year-old pianist from Cape Town signs an international record deal
The talented little pianist not only stole the hearts of Capetonians with her exquisite playing skills when she bravely walked up to a piano positioned in the centre of a bustling shopping mall in Cape Town and started playing “Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On” on Christmas Eve. She’s also caught the attention of and signed a deal with... Read more → The post 9-year-old pianist from Cape Town signs an international record deal appeared first on CapeTown ETC.

The talented little pianist not only stole the hearts of Capetonians with her exquisite playing skills when she bravely walked up to a piano positioned in the centre of a bustling shopping mall in Cape Town and started playing “Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On” on Christmas Eve.
She’s also caught the attention of and signed a deal with the international pianist, Rahul Suntah.
Also read: Watch! Girl impresses crowd at Table Bay Mall with her piano skills
Rahul Suntah caught sight of the viral video of young Rebecca Seziba playing the piano at the Table Bay Mall over the festive season last year and was impressed with her playing skill.
David Gummers, Suntah’s manager, told News24 that Rebecca’s video stood out from the thousands of musical pieces the record company receives; they could not believe her raw talent for playing without having any notes in front of her.
The record company reached out to the family with a proposal for a collaborative deal between Suntah and Rebecca. The deal was agreed upon, and a contract was signed.

Picture: Rahul Suntah
As reported by News24, Rebecca’s father, Emmanuel, said, “Never in a million years did I think she’d be recognised like this. We as a family are just so proud of her and the achievements she’s getting along the way. We knew she had something special in her when she started watching her brother play the piano and immediately could do what he does.”
Rebecca Seziba has an ear and a natural talent for music, as she is completely self-taught and has never had piano lessons.
Speaking to News24, Emmanual said, “Most of her inspiration came from watching her brother Joshua play the piano fluently. He was also self-taught and all my kids have taught themselves to play musical instruments by watching YouTube videos.”
The family invested in a brand-new piano last year so that their talented kids could play frequently and improve their playing skills – a “very expensive but brilliant investment,” said Emmanual.
“Rebecca has always had a keen interest in playing the piano – she would practise for one hour every day, playing whatever classical love song comes to her mind.”
“She’s really good at memorising music notes and most of the time plays the full duration of a song without even having notes in front of her,” concludes Emmanual.
Rebecca said that she loved playing the piano and wants to study music and become a professional pianist one day.
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Picture and video: Rudi Smith
The post 9-year-old pianist from Cape Town signs an international record deal appeared first on CapeTown ETC.
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