Cute Little Toad Has Absolutely Adorable Christmas Tree Stand
Would you buy a tree from him?
Would you buy a tree from him?
Now here's something you don't see everyday! A festive little toad willing to sell us some lovely Christmas trees for the amazingly reasonable price of $3. Or a bug. But no ants! Oh no, all we have are ants and we really wanted one of those smol trees. Sad!
TikTok account holder @Yaboi_toby_Toad posted this video of this fine businessman and if we did have any bugs, we would totally shop his wonderful stand.
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WHY are internet people just the best? Because they just are! This is all too adorable. TikTok users are big fans of Toby, with @Shan typing, "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Toby could tell me to jump into an erupting volcano and I’d do it no questions asked." Looooool. @Tara replies "No I am sorry I only have ant." @Di adds, "He's undercharging. these are worth at least 4 bug." @Prettylitter asks, "Do you have any unusual trees that are also smol?"
That's it! We need to go find bugs! Our small hearts just grew three sizes today!
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