Family's One-Hour Nightly Routine with Five Dogs Is Pure Dedication

It’s hard work, but we want this lifestyle!

Family's One-Hour Nightly Routine with Five Dogs Is Pure Dedication

It’s hard work, but we want this lifestyle!

If you thought a nighttime routine with one dog was hard work, you haven’t seen anything yet! TikTok user @tracyfosterling showed us just a glimpse of what a nighttime routine looks like with 5 dogs. Yes, 5! They make owning one, or even two dogs, look like a walk in the park.

The one-hour-long routine starts with letting only three of them go outside at once. Our guess is that if all of them are out at once, they’ll probably start playing and they'd never get to bed. LOL! Then feeding, cleaning, the whole nine yards. It’s so impressive!

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Wow! This is pure doggy dedication and we couldn’t love it anymore.

“THANK YOU! Finally shows how real doggo parents function at bedtime,” wrote @HarperAinsley12. Right?! This gives everyone a great glimpse into what it might be like with multiple dogs. It’s definitely not as quick and easy as some may think!

We can’t stop cracking up at the fact she sleeps with 3, sometimes 4 dogs on the bed. That’s amazing! “How does it feel to live my dream life,” asked @treeslikelungs. Right?! We wouldn’t mind the hour-long bedtime routine if it meant we got to snuggle with all these dogs at night. “If this is not my life in five years, I don’t want it,” added @HaileeKimm. Retweet!

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