French Bulldog Has Toddler-Style Meltdown Over His 'Pup Patty' Taking Too Long

Oh the drama!

French Bulldog Has Toddler-Style Meltdown Over His 'Pup Patty' Taking Too Long

Oh the drama!

TikTok user @WalterGeoffrey recently uploaded a truly tragic video showing how her French Bulldog Walter reacts when his special restaurant treat is late being served to him. If you have children, you're going to realize their hungry meltdowns are no match for Walter's. 

Just watch this hilarious video to see what true sadness is when this dog doesn't get his food on time. 

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LOL! We just love how utterly over-the-top upset Walter is! These must be some pretty delicious pup patties for him to get this overworked about them being late! @PnWitch comments, "The disrespect! The indignation! The audacity! The drama!!" @Kristasix hilariously asks, "Have you tried gentle parenting phrases to help him regulate his emotions ?" @icewater is concerned for the restaurant and says, "He’s giving a 1 star review on Yelp!" LOL!

How dare they make poor Walter wait like that? The restaurant should use him in an advertising campaign that says something like "Our burgers are worth having a tantrum over!" They'd sell a million after people saw how upset Walter gets over not getting one immediately! 

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