Funny Cat Feeds Bernese Mountain Puppies Treats in Irresistible Video
The cat thinks these pups are all "good boys!"
The cat thinks these pups are all "good boys!"
If you have multiple pets, you are always thankful for any help you can get in their care. Between feeding, walking, and cleaning up after them, it seems there is always something that has to be done. That's why TikTok account holder @Kirstiemerson probably isn't too mad at her cat, because he's helping to take care of these adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppies!
Just look at this clever cat hand out treats to all the good doogos! This video is just too funny.
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It's too cute how when he realizes his paw can't pick it up, he uses her mouth and then drops it! @Mamgilfeather comments, “Yes my minions… you shall do whatever I want as long as I provide the biscuits.” @Cibbalmo hilariously adds, "That cat will have an entire pack of full sized protection." @Jennifer says, "This is frightening. The cat is slowly training the dogs to do it’s bidding. The next step is the cat taking over the block!" LOL!
You know what they say, teamwork makes the dream work. Now the cat just has to teach the dogs to find out where mom hides the catnip!
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