Great Dane 'Babysits' Tiny Baby Goat and Maximum Cuteness Ensues
Such a sweet caregiver!
Such a sweet caregiver!
Whenever you bring a new animal into your home you always hope they get along with the pets you already have. Okay scenario? They tolerate each other. Best case scenario? They grow to love and care for each other. Well, watching the video posted by TikTok user @Hans_n_friends of her beautiful Great Dane Harley watching a baby goat named Ranger we think they're well on their way to a lifetime of love and caring.
Watch the following to see these precious pets in action. It's just too heartwarming.
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Awww, this giant dog is so sweet to her "kid" (See what we did there?) brother. You just love to see it. @Tiffanynut comments, "Mama mode for sure. So adorable!" @Mike comments, "Such a cute babysitter as well as an adorable baby!" @Suzanne adds, "She’s like till tomorrow? We’ll talk about this tomorrow lol."
We can't wait to see these two grow up together! Such a sweet start to a lifelong friendship.
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