Innovative DIY Dog Enrichment Activity Is a Stroke of Genius
We need to try this ASAP!
We need to try this ASAP!
If you’re anything like us, you’re probably looking for a new toy for your dog. You’re sick of buying the same rope toy or squeaker. Our fur babies deserve something fresh and exciting. That’s where TikTok user @juultjethegolden comes in.
This creator shared with us such an innovative DIY enrichment activity for dogs. And based on their Golden Retriever’s reaction, we’d say it’s a hit! Plus, it’s relatively easy to put together. Just start saving some empty toilet paper rolls!
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This is amazing! The clip mentions that not only does it slow down their eating pace, but it also encourages sniffing and problem-solving. That’s settled, we’re absolutely trying this with our dogs, especially since they eat their food in seconds. LOL!
“That is perfect for my baby thanks I will try this! Always in need of new toys,” said @sannextijman. SAME! This would definitely stump them for a little bit too. “This is cute, but my Huskies will eat toilet paper rolls whole in about 3 seconds if given the opportunity,” said @Snartkety. HA! The good news is that if your dog does destroy it at least you didn’t spend tons of money on it. And as always, be sure to monitor your dog when playing, just in case they do end up going after the rolls!
@eac400 commented, “Wow, I think that’s a secret for me to lose a few pounds.” LOL! Do they make this in the adult version? A puzzle for us before we can dive into our food. We’d use it in a heartbeat!
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