Measures of Men: German film spotlights country's dark colonial past

The movie measures of men spotlights the first genocide of the 20th century in which tens of thousands of indigenous Nama and Herero were slaughtered by german soldiers. The film bids to confront viewers with the harsh realities of colonial violence. Also, in Morocco fans of sand hockey are trying to raise awareness of the game's cultural heft. And a Beninese Tiktok comedian hits the right note. Axel Merryl switches genres from comedy to croonery.  

Measures of Men: German film spotlights country's dark colonial past
The movie measures of men spotlights the first genocide of the 20th century in which tens of thousands of indigenous Nama and Herero were slaughtered by german soldiers. The film bids to confront viewers with the harsh realities of colonial violence. Also, in Morocco fans of sand hockey are trying to raise awareness of the game's cultural heft. And a Beninese Tiktok comedian hits the right note. Axel Merryl switches genres from comedy to croonery.  

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