Moment Grieving Baby Horse Lets Other Horses Comfort Her After Losing Mom Is a Tear-Jerker

This is so sad yet so beautiful at the same time.

Moment Grieving Baby Horse Lets Other Horses Comfort Her After Losing Mom Is a Tear-Jerker

Whether you have a pet in an apartment or a ranch full of animals, there's no doubt about the way these creatures make our lives better. Animals can give us a sense of purpose and an even bigger sense of joy, though they'll all break our hearts when their time on Earth is over.

The loving humans at @dandelionbluefarm have been grieving the sudden loss of Duchess, their mare miniature horse. She left behind a beautiful foal named Morningstar, though the little horse has been having just as hard of a time with the loss. Luckily, she has the love of the farm's other horses to help her stay strong through the tough times.

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What a beautifully bittersweet moment! The tenderness and love between the gentle horses are beautiful to see, but it becomes even more special once we learn about the orphaned foal's difficult days.

As Dandelion Blue Ranch explained, "Morningstar has been sad and keeping to herself since her mother's death... until today." We love that she's making so much progress already! She hadn't been the most social foal in previous TikToks from the farm, but it looks like she's learning to become part of the herd. And that's exactly how it should be!

"Aww, the poor baby," commented @tinasouthernvking. "It's wonderful that the other babies are there for her." Isn't it? We are convinced that they know she needs some extra TLC--and that, after days of being by herself, she's ready for it. 

The South Carolina mini horse farm is working around the clock to keep this baby as healthy and happy as possible, and so far--everyone is doing quite well. Duchess would be so proud to see how resilient her little girl is!

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